Kid friendly pitbull Leo-charming and mellow in danger@NYC kill sheltr in Manhattan, New York

Kid friendly pitbull Leo-charming and mellow in danger@NYC kill sheltr
Type: Pets, For Sale

A volunteer writes:
Leo is a real golden boy, a beautiful blonde with the kind of sunny disposition that endears him to everyone he meets and a behavior evaluation that's simply fantastic. If you're looking for an all-round good guy then your search ends here! Charming his way into my heart after only one date, Leo has all the polite graces of a beloved pet and in addition to being a good leash walker and extremely house trained, he already knows how to come and sit for food or a ball and catches treats 'on the fly' like he was born to it. Surrendered to our care in the company of his equally wonderful sister Nanja (A1025941) when their owner moved to a place not allowing dogs, we're told Leo is calm and respectful of children (including toddlers!), likes other dogs and is chilled out when it comes to bath time and grooming. He likes to play fetch, keeping the ball under his paw but never guarding, and when it comes to snuggles this big mush is a stand-up hugging pro! Though he may not be an actual Lion, he certainly has the heart to match his name - bold, loving and courageous in the face of adversity. He's all set to make some lucky adopter a legendary companion so don't miss out, step up for Leo-the-lion-hearted today!
Leo is located at Manhattan Animal Care and Control. I am not affiliated with them. For more info about Leo or to see his current status, copy - paste this link:
My name is LEO. My Animal ID # is A1025942.
I am a male tan and white american staff. The shelter thinks I am about 6 YEARS old. Weight 55lb
I came in the shelter as a OWNER SUR on 01/21/2015 from NY 10027, owner surrender reason stated was MOVE2PRIVA.
This dog is located at the Manhattan Animal Care&Control (326 E110 St, Manhattan 10029). For more information on a particular dog, email help @ (remove the spaces) but ONLY email if you are serious about adopting. Please do not email for status updates... You may also contact the NYC ACC at (212) 788-4000 for further automated instructions. Also, have the ID# and shelter location listed at the top of this post handy when inquiring!! This dog is in danger of being on the euthanasia list and could be scheduled to be killed at any time! If you absolutely cannot get to the shelter, please contact participating rescue groups listed toward the bottom of the link to see if they can assist you:
On behalf of the dog before you, THANK YOU
For more information on adopting please read the following:
If you cannot adopt foster ! Fostering is free and does not have to be pernament it can be short term but will save a life a rescue group from the link above for more info about fostering
From The ACC site: To help ensure successful adoptions, please fill out a pre-adoption application ( and bring it with you when you come into the Care Center to adopt a pet. If you are coming from outside of the immediately area, it is strongly suggest that you first complete an application and email it to adoption @ -This will allow ACC to answer any questions and resolve any potential obstacles before you make the trip.
*This dog is located at Animal Care and Control, I am not affiliated with them and I cannot 'hold' or pull any dog...I am simply trying to help give them the 2nd chance they all deserve. You will have to call the Animal Care Center at the tel# above, or contact a rescue group from the link above for assistance.

City: Manhattan  Zip code: 10029 Category: Pets
Pets in Manhattan for sale

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