AKC Champion Sired Shih Tzu Male Puppy in Manhattan, New York
AKC Champion Sired Shih Tzu male puppy available. Born 1/1/15 and will be ready to leave at 12 weeks (March 27) He will be red/brown and white. This boy is a teddy bear!
Puppies are raised right in our living room and are handled every single day. They are raised around kids and other dogs and are very well socialized. Our puppy buyers are always extremely pleased by the temperaments of our puppies as well as how well trained they already are when they leave for their new homes. These puppies have a great start with pee pad training!
All puppies will be wormed, receive 2 vaccinations, a vet exam, and a 2 year health guarantee. All puppies are required to be spayed/neutered. We send them to their new homes with a puppy packet, some toys, and food.
Photo of adult is the sire of this puppy.
We are located in WI but will ship for additional cost.